See also Polyclitus, a freedman in the service of the Roman emperor Nero.
'Polykleit (or Polyklitos, Polycleitus, Polyclitus; Greek Πολύκλειτος); called the Elder.
Polykleitos and Phidias were of the first generation of Greek sculptors to have a school of followers. The school of Polykleitos lasted for at least three generations, but it seems to have been most active in the late 300s and early 200s BC. The Roman writers Pliny and Pausanias noted the names of about twenty sculptors of Polykleitos' school, defined by their adherence to the principles of balance and definition set out by Polykleitos. Skopas and Lysippus are the best-known successors of Polykleitos.
His son, Polykleitos the Younger, worked in the fourth century BC. Although he was also a sculptor of athletes, his greatest fame was won as an architect. He designed the great theater at Epidaurus.
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